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來源:尚品中國| 類型:網(wǎng)站百科| 時(shí)間:2012-07-21
內(nèi)容是一個網(wǎng)站最有價(jià)值的部分,內(nèi)容為王就是這個意思,用戶訪問您的網(wǎng)站的唯一目的是獲取有價(jià)值的內(nèi)容,豐富的內(nèi)容,準(zhǔn)確的內(nèi)容,不斷更新的內(nèi)容是成功企業(yè)網(wǎng)站的三個要素。完美企業(yè)網(wǎng)站制作的 101 項(xiàng)指標(biāo)中,有 23 項(xiàng)是關(guān)于內(nèi)容的,我們把內(nèi)容放在首位,事實(shí)上,您應(yīng)該把 80% 的重心放在內(nèi)容上面,這 23 項(xiàng)內(nèi)容指標(biāo)分別為:
Content is a web site most valuable part, content is king is this meaning, the user access to your website only purpose is to get valuable content, rich content and accurate content, and constantly update the content is successful corporate site of the three elements. Perfect enterprise production site in the 101 index, 23 item is about the content, we put the content in the first place, in fact, you should put 80% of the center of gravity in content top, the 23 item index respectively is:

豐富的內(nèi)容(Rich content)

A lack of content of the enterprise web site, to the disappointment of users into is hard to imagine, users through the search engine, advertising, or friends came to your web site, is with the demand and come, they are on your enterprise, product, service the lack of understanding in this time, the enterprise web site is the most should play value, good enterprise website builders should guess who the needs of users, why are they coming to, want to see something, they will encounter problems, how do we solve, with doubt and to users is the most potential value of customer, you no matter how good the content of too much. But the reality of the situation is, the user besides some beautiful pictures, what also didn't see, your product, the characteristics of the product, price, packing, production cycle, service, supporting documents, problems and solutions, and so on, the user hope these content the more detailed, the better, a lot of enterprises with this kind of psychology, we just put a little product material up, users are interested, naturally and contact us.

事實(shí)上,如果您的這些資料過分簡陋,匱乏,用戶會對您的實(shí)力產(chǎn)生懷疑,我曾經(jīng)為一個從事機(jī)床附件出口的企業(yè)提供 IT 咨詢服務(wù),那是一個非常成功的公司,有一次,他拿出他們的產(chǎn)品目錄給我看,那本目錄有 500 頁厚,上面密密麻麻地編排著非常詳盡產(chǎn)品數(shù)據(jù),我看到那本目錄的一瞬間就知道他們?yōu)槭裁闯晒α恕F髽I(yè)網(wǎng)站也是一樣。
In fact, if your these material too humble, lacking, and user of your strength suspicion, I used to be a machine tool accessories export enterprise engaged in the provide IT consulting services, that is a very successful company, once, he took out their product catalog to let me see, that this directory has 500 pages thick, IT sucked a very detailed arrangement of product data, I see that this catalogue of the moment we will know why they succeeded. The enterprise website also is same.

準(zhǔn)確的內(nèi)容(Accurate content)

沒有用戶會容忍您網(wǎng)站上的錯誤,他們會覺得您不專業(yè),不認(rèn)真,如果一個企業(yè)在網(wǎng)站這些軟的東西上都錯漏百出,它的產(chǎn)品也不會好到哪里去。您在創(chuàng)作站點(diǎn)內(nèi)容的時(shí)候,需要不斷檢查,校對,最終,也是最重要的,您要以一個用戶的身份經(jīng)常訪問自己的網(wǎng)站,您會發(fā)現(xiàn)很多錯誤,這時(shí)您一定不要等待,不要說過兩天我就改正,過兩天的意思是您永遠(yuǎn)都不會去改正這些錯誤,有一些企業(yè),他們網(wǎng)站上提供的電話是永遠(yuǎn)也打不通的,因?yàn)槟莻€號碼早就變了,您應(yīng)該立即更正,現(xiàn)代的 CMS 網(wǎng)站可以讓您非常容易地實(shí)現(xiàn)這一點(diǎn)。
No user will put up with your site on the wrong, they will think you are not professional, not earnest, if a enterprise in the soft thing on the web site are complete flawed and its products is also not good where to go. You in the creation of the content of the site, needs to constantly check, proofreading, finally, and most important, you need to a user's identity often visit their website, you will find many mistakes, then you must not wait, don't say that in two days I will correct, two days mean you'll never go to correct these mistakes, there are some enterprise, their website the phone is forever also provide couldn't get through, because the number would have changed, you should immediately correct, the modern CMS website can let you very easy to realize this.

不斷更新的內(nèi)容(Updated content )

This is almost the common problems of small and medium-sized enterprises at present site web sites, which are mostly from the enterprise competent a whim, they spent a lot of time and budget the website construction, thought this was done right, from now on will be behind this site. Never updated site to only coming a users have no what, but only to a user to enterprise also often take not to sales, however, if the user to interested in you, and they will come again, only to your products and services are interested in buying user would frequent visitors, if your website never update on your unintentional users may not become aware, for your intention to users will see, never updated site just is the most value for your users into doubt, they will doubt your business had stalled.

內(nèi)容要專業(yè)(Content must be professional)

Content must be able to reflect your enterprise quality, users and you build consumer relationship before, they will pass the content on the website of your products and services speculation, your website content represent your products, professional content will let users believe products and services and professional enough. At the same time, professional content often has the authority, your content may be many people quoted, links, virtually bring you advertisement publicity function.

具有原創(chuàng)性(Are original)

This is not only the copyright problem, but also related to your credibility. Excellent enterprise have their own views, a right, if your website is only excerpts from the content of the others, can let a person feel that your enterprise also useless. The content of the original is to establish your right is the most important way, any enterprise should through the professional articles, industry standards, white papers content establish his own authority.

內(nèi)容要完整(Content to complete)

Traditional enterprise website construction process is usually so, enterprise prior to the design personnel to provide content, design personnel then will these content arrangement released to the web site. Many enterprises can't once is intact content collection is complete, everybody often said, this a temporary no, wait until after two days to clean up, also, two days mean, this section will always missing. I've seen countless content incomplete enterprise web site, or a product without pictures, or a content in the default language version, into the other language versions but empty, or click on the download link back to 404 is a mistake.

您需要不斷訪問自己的網(wǎng)站,仔細(xì)檢查那些內(nèi)容不完整的地方,如果某段內(nèi)容不完整,與其放在那里讓用戶迷惑,還不如將它拿掉。同樣,現(xiàn)代的 CMS 網(wǎng)站允許您隨時(shí)補(bǔ)充您的內(nèi)容,要持續(xù)地這樣做。
You need to keep visit their website, carefully examine the information is not complete place, if a information is not complete, and let the user confusion in there, you will take off it. Also, the modern CMS site allows you keep supplement your content, to continue to do so.

內(nèi)容要包含圖文,但以文字為主有言道,片圖抵千言(A PIcture Is Worth A Thousand Words),圖片,表格,以及必要的多媒體素材(視頻,F(xiàn)lash,音頻)等等可以幫您更好地表達(dá),也會讓您的用戶不至于太枯燥,但這些素材不可過多,您的內(nèi)容仍然應(yīng)該以文字為主,過多的媒體會讓頁面很難迅速打開。
Content to include the graphic, but with an text-based way, thousands of figure Is said (A PIcture Is Worth A Thousand Words), pictures, forms, and the necessary of multimedia material (video, Flash, audio) and so on can help you better expression, will let your user not too boring, but these materials do not too much, your content should still to text-based, too much media will make the page difficult to quickly opened.

內(nèi)容要體現(xiàn)企業(yè)的價(jià)值觀(Content to reflect the values of the enterprise)

You may not use against the enterprise values of the content, a web site for hackers use may contain some system cracked the article, but such content anyway also won't appear in Microsoft's website. Your content to visitors should pass health, positive information, web site is the public media, any improper remarks may for your enterprise with public opinion.

要區(qū)分不同地域與文化的受眾最基本的要求,如果您是一家國際性的企業(yè),您的網(wǎng)站至少要包含一個英文版和一個本地語言版本,如果您的主要市場是,比如說德國,那么,提供一個德語版本也不為過。不同語言版本之間的內(nèi)容不是簡單的互譯,內(nèi)容要基于當(dāng)?shù)氐臉I(yè)務(wù)狀況,文化與風(fēng)俗,這一點(diǎn),著名的殺毒軟件制作商 Kaspersky 做得非常好。
To distinguish between different regions and culture of the audience is the most basic request, if you are an international enterprise, your web site at least to include an English version and a local language version, if your main market is, for instance, Germany, so, provide a German version too much. Different language version of content between is not a simple translation, content should be based on local business status, culture and customs, this, the famous Kaspersky anti-virus software maker is very good.

Enterprise material is the user quickly understand the important way of enterprise, your history, development, performance, your main business, the market, the employment situation and so on, as long as it is public information, should let users see, to as much detail as possible.

公司動態(tài),企業(yè)或行業(yè)新聞(Dynamic company, enterprise or industry news)

這些內(nèi)容應(yīng)該出現(xiàn)在主頁,用戶一進(jìn)來就可以看到,這是保持您的網(wǎng)站持續(xù)更新的最好的方法,您的新產(chǎn)品,新業(yè)務(wù),展覽計(jì)劃,促銷活動,本行業(yè)的新聞,市場觀察,產(chǎn)品路線圖等等,通過這些新聞動態(tài),讓用戶時(shí)刻覺得您的企業(yè)充滿活力,您的業(yè)務(wù)在持續(xù)發(fā)展。您可以使用企業(yè) Banner 圖片的形式,將最新動態(tài)制作成吸引人的圖片,動畫,微軟的網(wǎng)站每隔幾天就會用一些非常清新的 Banner 圖片展示他們企業(yè)動態(tài)。
These contents should appear in the home page, the user came in and can see, this is to keep your website last updated the best method, you of the new products, new services, exhibition plan, sales promotion, the industry news, market observation, product roadmap, etc., through these news dynamic, let users time feel that your enterprise full of energy, your business in sustainable development. You can use the enterprise Banner picture form, will the latest dynamic make attractive pictures, animation, Microsoft's website every few days with some very pure and fresh Banner pictures show they enterprise dynamic.

團(tuán)隊(duì)信息(Team information)

Some will your team material on the web, if a user to your product interested in him, and to your team will also be full of wonder, why don't meet their, at the same time, if we can see the product team, many users will reassure on your product doubts, team information can enhance your product with clear. Team information can be included team education background, experience in the industry, professional attainments and he/she's role in the team. If your team members have my own blog, also can provide their blog link.

您的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)(Your product or service)

這是企業(yè)網(wǎng)站必不可少的,產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)信息要足夠詳細(xì),事實(shí)上您在這方面的內(nèi)容投入應(yīng)該永不停息,只要您的產(chǎn)品在改進(jìn),新產(chǎn)品在開發(fā),新服務(wù)在開拓,您就應(yīng)該隨時(shí)將這些新的內(nèi)容展示給用戶。產(chǎn)品資料包括產(chǎn)品規(guī)格,特點(diǎn),在同類產(chǎn)品中的優(yōu)勢,劣勢,產(chǎn)品的尺寸,材質(zhì),包裝,價(jià)格(或者至少是價(jià)格范圍),圖片,生產(chǎn)周期,不要等用戶打電話來問,您應(yīng)該讓用戶直接在網(wǎng)站上了解到您以為需要在電話中才能說清的東西。 This is essential to the enterprise web site, product and service information to detailed enough, in fact you in this aspect content into should never stop, as long as your product in improvement, new product development, new services in the development, you should always will these new content shows to users. Product information including product specifications, characteristics, in the similar products in the advantage, disadvantage, product size, material, packing, price (or, at least, is the price range), pictures, production cycle, don't wait for the user calling to ask, you should let users directly on the website realized that you think needs in a telephone call in to clear things.

服務(wù)與支持(Service and support)

 The enterprise website has become more and more enterprises to provide service and support center, you on phone users to answer all sorts of problems repeatedly, should be in service and support in reflect, the users can at any time in 24 hours to get help. Service and support the content may include product documentation, using skills, troubleshooting, the installation and maintenance instructions, and so on, the enterprise shall be the accumulation of service and support, and the content of the content of organization, organize, norms, form complete product knowledge base, this can significantly reduce artificial support costs and pressure.

您的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的擴(kuò)展知識(Your product or service extension of knowledge)

除了常規(guī)的產(chǎn)品知識,您還需要對這些知識進(jìn)行延伸,您可以通 過專業(yè)文章,白皮書等方式,發(fā)表您在行業(yè)中的造詣,擴(kuò)展知識可以提高您的企業(yè)在行業(yè)中的權(quán)威并贏得話語權(quán),這些內(nèi)容需要有一定的見地,能贏得行業(yè)認(rèn)可,您也可以將這些文章在別的媒體發(fā)表,并提供對您網(wǎng)站上類似內(nèi)容的鏈接,這也是提高您站點(diǎn) SEO 排名的最好的途徑。
In addition to conventional product knowledge, you also need to extend these knowledge, you can be connected the professional articles, white papers way, express your in the industry's attainments, expanding knowledge can improve your enterprise in the industry's authority and win the discourse right, these content will need a certain insight, can win by industry, you can also will these articles published in other media, and provide for your web site similar content link, this also is to improve your site ranking of the best way of SEO.

產(chǎn)品的購買和促銷信息(The purchase of the products and promotion information)

To make ultimately for your product of impressive user know how to buy your products. You can offer you in the distributors around the contact details, your store address, telephone, traffic, the business hour, your product order details, the guiding price, payment, delivery or shipping way, these content need precision, meticulous, the content of the consumers will become your formal users, is your front elaborations of the results, should never be here let them walk off.

網(wǎng)站幫助信息(Web site help information)

Not oddness, often some of the sites make people confused, you don't know how to use them. For some interface is not very obvious web site, should include convenient help information to help users use your web site, these help information shall be very timely (Handy), you are at a loss, can find immediately. And certainly don't like traditional software that, will all help information compiled to a huge files, let users find their own, help information shall be in use or near the scene.

常見問題及解答(FAQ) The common problems and solutions (FAQ)

FAQ 內(nèi)容應(yīng)該放在非常顯眼的位置,F(xiàn)AQ 是幫助用戶迅速上手的最佳途徑,因?yàn)?FAQ 是絕大多數(shù)人關(guān)心的問題及解答,有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的用戶來到一個新企業(yè)網(wǎng)站會直接去找 FAQ 以便迅速了解他/她想知道的東西,因?yàn)榻^大多數(shù)用戶沒有耐心去一頁一頁地瀏覽您的內(nèi)容,他們會看看其他人都問過什么,以及您是怎么回答的。
FAQ content should be placed in very conspicuous position, FAQ is to help the user to quickly get optimal path, because most people care about is FAQ problems and solutions, experienced users to a new enterprise web site will go direct to the FAQ about him/her to quickly want to know things, because most users don't have the patience to a page and a page of browsing your content, they will see other people have asked what and how did you answer.

法律聲明(版權(quán),隱私條款,使用條款,免責(zé)聲明等) Legal statement (copyright, privacy provisions, terms of use, disclaimer, etc)

Though not every company has the legal adviser, but you will always find something suitable for your statement content, with you and the conditions of these statements in the bottom of your website, they may not have much very show use, but in one thousand when occurrence dispute, the statement can reduce your trouble.

職位空缺與招聘信息(Job openings and recruitment information)

 If you have been recognized as the best employers, will recruitment and vacancy information on your own web site, than in professional recruitment media may be more effective, able to take the initiative to your site looking for the opportunity to you must admire already for a long time, you should pay attention to these willingly.

專用于大客戶和合作伙伴的內(nèi)容(Dedicated to big customers and partners content)

您可以在網(wǎng)站上開辟專門的區(qū)域,供您的 VIP 客戶或合作伙伴使用,您可以為不同客戶提供個性化內(nèi)容,這種服務(wù)體驗(yàn)是非常讓客戶舒心的,我的一個 Comsharp CMS 客戶便在他的網(wǎng)站上為大客戶建立了一個訂單跟蹤系統(tǒng),每個客人的每份訂單,都發(fā)布在上面,包括訂單日期,產(chǎn)品,金額,運(yùn)期,裝運(yùn)資料,裝運(yùn)單據(jù)副本,付款情況,一目了然,每個客戶只要使用他們自己的帳戶登陸,就會看到自己所有訂單的執(zhí)行情況。我另有一個 Comsharp CMS 客戶從事工藝禮品出口業(yè)務(wù),他們的產(chǎn)品針對不同市場,他為不同市場的客戶提供了不同的產(chǎn)品目錄區(qū),客戶登陸后,只看到與他們相關(guān)的產(chǎn)品資料,不僅節(jié)省了時(shí)間,還避免了競爭對手對機(jī)密資料的竊取。 如果您是上市公司,您應(yīng)該公開上市資料 您的股東,董事會成員,您的股份分布,股票價(jià)格,財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告,利潤,分紅等等資料,上市公司需要透明感,您需要將這些必須對股東公開的資料發(fā)布到網(wǎng)站上,并隨時(shí)更新。
You can open up on the web site specific area, for your VIP customers or partners use, you can for different customers with personalized content, this service experience is very let customers of shu xin, one of my Comsharp CMS customer and on his web site for large customers to establish a order tracking system, each guest for each order, were published in the above, including order date, product, amount, shipment date, shipment material, copy of shipping documents, payment status, be clear at a glance, and each customer as long as their account login, you will see all order implementation. I have a Comsharp CMS clients engaged in export business gifts, their products for different markets, he for different market clients with the different product catalogue area, client after landing, see only and their related material, not only saves time, avoids the competition of confidential information to steal. If you are a listed company, you should be public material your shareholders, the members of the board of directors, your shares distribution, stock prices, financial report, profits, dividends and so on material, the listed company need transparency, you need to put these must be to shareholders public material released to the site, and updated.

Blog, BBS, Comments 等動態(tài)內(nèi)容(Blog, BBS, Comments and dynamic content)

Your website can also provide team members of the blog, the public discussion forum, staff communication area, with the customer communication area, the user comments and the content, the dynamic content so you can learn the user's needs and complain, so that to improve their products and services.












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